
Showing posts from April, 2019

April 30th

Today we visited the jail where we will be doing our work and saw some of the jail as well as seeing the gym where we will be doing our work. We will be painting lines for the basketball court, making lines for handball, and set up other fitness stations. It was really cool to see what we will be working with. After that, we came back to school and wrote our proposal to the jail for what we need for supplies and what we want to do with thew gym. After lunch, we headed to Dick Sporting Good's to get whistles and other gear for our basketball tournament. TOTAL HOURS: 5.5

April 29th

Today was the first day of senior project and I am excited for what we will need to accomplish. This morning, we met with Kelly to figure out the 5k signups and also talked about our waiver for the basketball tournament. Then, we talked with Becky and got a time slot for the basketball court. After that, we went to lunch and got a good amount of sign ups for the 5k. We then went to look for ref shirts but could not find them. We ended the day with going to a couple dorms to get more 5k sign ups. HOURS TOTAL: 3